Jerzy Czachowski


Ola Janicka


Jerzy Czachowski, Kaja Kawecka, Filip Gawel



Piotr Bobiński


Jan Dudek




Monika Chudziak, Sergiusz Wojciechowski


The Genie of Powerful Sales, is one of our famous viral advertising spots. When creating the ad for a digital agency called Verseo, we aimed to use ideas inspired by culture and legends. Our main goal was to create a script that became viral, capturing the attention of viewers. We are proud to point out that at the present time our commercial has garnered nearly 1 million views, confirming its huge success. During the production of this commercial, we focused on preparing special effects and animation, which gave the production a dynamic and thrilling character. We engaged a full film crew, including two talented actors, to create a cohesive and professional production of the material. Our priority was to achieve a high quality production, while ensuring that the process did not absorb the client or their resources. Working creatively and professionally, we were able to produce a commercial that not only attracted attention, but was also appreciated by viewers, achieving an impressive number of views. "The Genie of Powerful Sales" not only satisfied the client's expectations, but also gained recognition among viewers, an example of a well-executed, effective and captivating advertising campaign.




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Verseo Commercial – The Genie of Powerful Sales

Verseo is the first 5.0 marketing agency in Poland. The Verseo team comprises the largest number of certified specialists in the country – experts in Google Ads, Paid Social, Organic Social, SEO, and Content Marketing. The goal of the commercial was to showcase Verseo’s world-class brand and high market position. We aimed for a unique script that would distinguish Verseo from competing agencies. To achieve this, we brought to life the genie of powerful sales, who appears to company employees. His mission is to convince the marketing department to use internet advertising, which should be “exceptional, unique, and impactful.” However, his efforts are in vain, as all the companies he visits are already served by Verseo – whether in Google Ads, Facebook advertising, SEO, web analytics, or UX audits. The disheartened genie, having nothing more to offer, vanishes.

Verseo and Granator Film – How to Disappoint a Genie?

The viral Verseo clip is unique and recognizable. This is due to the exceptional script in which we managed to combine traditional legend with the modern offer of an interactive agency. The genie references the “One Thousand and One Nights” – thanks to the popular Aladdin story, this character is well-known in our culture and associated with something magical and extraordinary. Many people have surely dreamed of Aladdin’s lamp with a genie granting wishes at least once in their lives. After all, it is an opportunity to get everything we desire. However, the Verseo commercial shows that such a gift is useless for a company that already has everything in the realm of internet advertising. It turns out that the genie’s magical powers are worthless in the face of Verseo’s offer. The genie leaves disheartened, and the situation reverses – it is Verseo that fulfills its clients’ wishes and offers powerful sales through the tools it uses.

The script for the Verseo commercial is, of course, just one of many elements contributing to the spot’s success. The production was handled by a multi-person team of experienced film school graduates. By joining forces with Verseo, we created a commercial spot that is the quintessence of contemporary internet marketing – the Verseo advertisement is funny and memorable, while also capturing attention and presenting the agency’s offer in an unconventional way.

Granator Film – Memorable Ads

Did you like the commercial spot we created for Verseo? Do you want to promote your brand in an extraordinary way? We collaborate with large and medium-sized companies, as well as marketing agencies, creating spots that are memorable, support brand image, and generate profit.

To receive an offer, fill out the advertising brief: specify the nature of the production, language version, budget, distribution channels, type of production, type of narrative, and other elements indicated in the form – we will analyze the brief and get back to you with a proposal for pricing and a completion date. If you liked the Verseo clip featuring the genie or have another favorite advertisement, send us a link in the form – this will help us understand the effect you want to achieve and what you expect from our team. Of course, your commercial spot will be 100% unique and tailored to the brand’s values.

At Granator Film, we create commercial spots for the internet and television. We ensure a cinematic look, attention to the smallest details, and a quick turnaround time (2-4 weeks). We produce prestigious projects that stand out with high quality and unconventional ideas. We offer comprehensive solutions in video content production for paid marketing and organic publications on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and TikTok.

Wondering how to increase brand recognition? We prove that in 30 seconds, you can not only capture the viewer’s interest but also showcase values and present the company’s offer. Contact us and receive a personalized offer. With Granator Film, you can promote your brand in Poland and around the world!